Helke Elementary School utilizes Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in order to create a consistent and effective positive learning environment for all students and staff. Our PBIS Tier 1 Team supports our whole-school expectations and reward system (our “matrix,” school signs, assemblies, incentives, recognitions, etc.). Our Tier 2 and Tier 3 teams develop and coordinate support in a more targeted and intensive way, providing staff, students, and families with the tools or services needed in order to reach their full potential.
Building Behavioral Expectations
Building Honors and Recognitions
Bronze Award (Tier 1 implementation) – 2016
Silver Award (Tier 2 implementation) – 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Session Presenter at State/Regional Professional Development Conferences – 2018, 2019, 2020
Poster Presenter at National PBIS Leadership Forum – 2017, 2018, 2019
Committee Members
Tier 1 Team (Schoolwide Intervention)
Mrs. Garison, Paraprofessional
Mrs. Heis, Teacher (1st grade)
Mrs. Mahl, Teacher (3rd grade)
Mrs. Matlock, Teacher (3rd grade)
Mrs. Monroe, Interventionist (multi-grade)
Mrs. Roberts, Teacher (1st grade)
Mr. Tregoning, Principal
Tier 2/3 Team (Targeted and Intensive, Individual Intervention)
Mr. Arnett, Teacher (3rd grade)
Mrs. Blakley, Interventionist (multi-grade)
Mrs. Davis, Teacher (2nd grade)
Mr. Garison, Teacher (Physical Education)
Mrs. Holderman, School Psychologist/Counselor
Mrs. Mahl, Teacher, (3rd grade)
Mrs. Monroe, Interventionist (multi-grade)
Mrs. Naylor, Interventionist (multi-grade)
Mrs. Nicholas, Teacher (Title 1)
Mrs. Roberts, Teacher (1st grade)
Mrs. Seimer, Interventionist (behavior support)
Mr. Tregoning, Principal
Other staff specifically affiliated with students being served
Building Steering Committee
Mrs. Mahl
Mrs. Monroe
Mrs. Roberts
Mr. Tregoning
Would you like to request non-academic help for your child?
Each of our school’s has a dedicated PBIS team that meets regularly to review student needs and to find supports that will allow them to find success. If you would like to request help for your child, please follow the appropriate link below, complete the form, and someone from the school will contact you within three school days (you must have legal custody of the child in order to receive a response).